/collections/all.atom ³Ô¹Ï´ïÈË. 2023-12-08T11:14:21-05:00 ³Ô¹Ï´ïÈË. /products/7251222560926 2023-12-08T11:14:21-05:00 2023-12-08T11:14:21-05:00 Deo-3 Industrial Deodorant Concentrate - 1 Gallon Deodorant Zep (Retail)

Vendor: Zep (Retail)
Type: Deodorant
Price: 128.45

A fruit scented, water-based industrial deodorant concentrate. A solution of selected perfumes, odor neutralizers and emulsifiers.

availability_yes deo 3 material_concentrate qty_1 gal /products/7251222560926 Case of 4 128.45 177924 18166
/products/7324858286238 2022-09-09T12:09:49-04:00 2022-09-09T12:09:49-04:00 Odor Neutralizer - 24 oz. - Fragrance Free and Derived from Natural Ingredients Air Care Zep (B2B)

Vendor: Zep (B2B)
Type: Air Care
Price: 119.98

Zep All-Natural Odor Neutralizer is an odor eliminating spray that does not mask, add a fragrance to, or simply absorb the odor. Instead, Zep's Odor Neutralizer uses a proprietary capture process to neutralize odors, without the use of harmful chemicals. This process results in a longer lasting effect, without leaving any smell lingering behind. ]]>
air freshener availability_yes qty_24 fl oz /products/7324858286238 Case of 12 119.98 372624 10115
/products/7251222626462 2022-07-05T13:54:17-04:00 2022-07-05T13:54:17-04:00 Aviation Pure-Fect Aircraft Lavatory Bowl Deodorizer - 1 Quart Deodorant Zep (Retail)

Vendor: Zep (Retail)
Type: Deodorant
Price: 221.02

Zep Pure-Fect is a concentrated aircraft lavatory deodorant for use where maximum bacteria odor control is required. It is highly concentrated and is biodegradable. It does not contain Formaldehyde or quaternary ammonium chloride. It meets AMS 1476B aircraft specification.

availability_yes material_concentrate qty_1 qt /products/7251222626462 Case of 12 221.02 F52801 13018